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SONNEILLON, the Demon of Hate, fourth in the order of Thrones.


Sonneillon is a northern Portuguese extreme metal band from Porto. Founded in April 2008, the band has managed to remain relevant and carve a place in the Portuguese black metal scene, keeping a very active live schedule and steadily releasing material. Characterized by an agressive and uncompromising brand of black metal, Sonneillon is a fully crushing armed Panzer, aimed to bring chaos and pure fucking war to you.


Band Genesis and Early Years


In early 2008 Bellerophon’s former band, Ater, split-up. Wanting to form a new band, he set out to find members, initially recruiting Cariocecus (a former band member of Ater) for guitars and Abaddon for bass. Some weeks later, around April, they joined forces with Ishkur on guitars and Sathronus on vocals. At the time of the band’s genesis, Ishkur had a solo project named Sonneillon, for which he had already created a song (War, on the debut EP) and some songs started.


The band decided to merge the two entities, and thus Sonneillon BM as a band was born. Feeding the Corpse was the first song created collectivelly. The band became very active live throughout 2008 and 2009, recording their debut EP – Diabolic War – in the meantime.

II-X Years of Age.

The band remained highly active with constant live performances, while releasing a number of digital releases and participating in several compilations and split releases with international bands. Throughout these years Bellerophon was the driving force of the band to maintain its legacy, being the only steady member in a constantly revolving line-up. He became the main contributor both in musical and lyrical terms, assuming the role of composer and writer on most of the band’s songs.


The band garnered some good media exposure, promoting both live shows and releases. During these years Sonneillon had 4 important landmarks, recording their first music video for Enemy Within (directed by Dawn Pictures), releasing a digital single with a video recorded in Oslo (Único Caminho), accomplishing its first international gigs (in USA and Netherlands) and releasing their debut album Daemoniacus Daemonum Interitum et Agone Deos.


In 2016, wanting to celebrate the history of the band, he organized a special concert in September, contacting past members to join in diferent moments of the setlist. This concert was recorded and released as a live DVD.


The original line-up played the debut EP, while other members were invited to perform songs from their tenure with the band. Sonneillon then recorded their second music video for the song Satan’s Fields, filmed and directed by Guilherme Henriques. All throughout this time the band remained very active live.




The original idea in 2008 was to create a band, and not a music project managed by one person with a flow of other musicians coming and going. Considering this, Bellerophon pushed forward the consolidation of Sonneillon as a band with consistent and equal participation from all members.


On 2020, a new EP was released – Cadere et Resurgere – a testament to the path followed by the band, rising again from all the tribulations of the past and marking the passage into a full-fledged band once again, while working on their second full-length album. Sonneillon is now a band anchored on a two strong members, with Bellerophon & Apollyon, and is poised to release their new album – Sonneillon the demon of hate – a testament to the path followed by the band.


In April 2022, the month of the band’s anniversary, the band took the name Sonneillon and the logo have some new details where the “Black Metal” was removed. 2022 will mark the return to the stages, joining forces on with live musicians, and will bring forth a new chapter for the band, which will most certainly further confirm it as a force to be reckoned with.

In 2023 the band released its second album "The Demon of Hate" and a new EP named "Shall Be Damn Matter". For 2024, two new releases are already planned: two splits in both CD and cassete format. The band is also already preparing its 3rd studio album.


To be continued…!




Drums and Vocals

Magnus Einar

Live Guitar


Bass and Vocals


Live Guitar and Vocals


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